What kind of decorations should be used on a real tree vs. artificial tree?

The Great Debate: Real Tree vs. Artificial Tree Decorations

The best thing about the holidays is, of course, the decorating! Whether you have a real Christmas tree or an artificial one, you’re going to want to deck it out with ornaments, lights and more. But which decorations should you use?

Real Christmas trees have always been a part of holiday tradition, so many people have sentimental feelings about them. They also tend to smell better than fake ones, which makes them even more appealing. However, there are some downsides to using real trees in your home. The needles can be painful if they fall on your skin and cause irritation for those with allergies. Another thing to consider is that these trees must be watered frequently so that they don’t dry out before the holiday.

Real Tree Decorations: Keep it Natural

Artificial Christmas trees are great for those who don’t want to deal with watering a real tree or cleaning up after it dies in January. Artificial trees also come in all shapes and sizes so you can find one that matches your home’s décor perfectly.

The best decorations for a real tree are those that are made of natural materials. Wool, cotton, and silk are great choices because they can be used year after year. They also allow you to add a bit of color to the tree without using artificial decorations.

For artificial trees, you’ll want to choose either glass or plastic ornaments. Glass ones make the most sense because they can be reused year after year without getting damaged by heat or moisture. However, if you have children in your home who might break them accidentally, plastic may be better for you.

Artificial Tree Decorations: Go Bold

When it comes to lights on your tree, it’s important to take safety into consideration first and foremost. If you’re using lights that hang from hooks or branches of your tree, make sure that they’re not too close together so that there’s plenty of space between them for air circulation (you don’t want fire hazard). And if you’re using lights that dangle from the branches themselves (like icicles), make sure they aren’t heavy enough to pull down the branches when you put them on or take them off again at nightfall or dawning.

The type of tree you choose will depend on your budget, the space you have and how much time you want to spend decorating.

Artificial trees last longer than real ones, but they grow dusty and must be cleaned regularly. Many people prefer the look of a fresh-cut tree with its branches still intact. If you do use an artificial tree, make sure to take it out of its box early enough so that it can “breathe” and lose any potential odor before you put it up.

Real trees are more expensive than artificial ones. They also require more work because they must be shaken or sprayed with water to remove loose needles before placing them in water. But once the needles fall off naturally, you can compost them instead of throwing them away as waste.